Dairy Sheep Flock Half Share
1/2 Flock Share - 20-week term. Entitles share owner to a quart of raw sheep's milk per week. The diet of the sheep will be New Country Organics brand sheep grain given only at milking and access to fresh pasture given 24/7 throughout the summer and grass hay or Chaffhaye when adequate fresh forage is not available.
$25/share board and feed divided equally amongst 20 week subscription period ($1.25/week)
1/2 Flock Share - 20-week term. Entitles share owner to a quart of raw sheep's milk per week. The diet of the sheep will be New Country Organics brand sheep grain given only at milking and access to fresh pasture given 24/7 throughout the summer and grass hay or Chaffhaye when adequate fresh forage is not available.
$25/share board and feed divided equally amongst 20 week subscription period ($1.25/week)
1/2 Flock Share - 20-week term. Entitles share owner to a quart of raw sheep's milk per week. The diet of the sheep will be New Country Organics brand sheep grain given only at milking and access to fresh pasture given 24/7 throughout the summer and grass hay or Chaffhaye when adequate fresh forage is not available.
$25/share board and feed divided equally amongst 20 week subscription period ($1.25/week)
Herd Share Ownership Agreement with Red Belle Ridge, LLC
Red Belle Ridge, LLC, hereinafter known as “Red Belle Ridge” or “RBR”, sells a 6-month share(s) of the RBR sheep flock for $25 per share and enters into a boarding agreement with you, the Share Owner.
Share of the Herd/Flock The Red Belle Ridge Farm sheep flock is currently located at 676 Romey Campbell Rd. Ellenboro, NC 28040. Each share is roughly equal to 1/4th of a sheep, but ownership is a fraction of the actual herd. Total shares = all milking ewes x 4. For example, if there are 10 adult ewes then there are 40 shares and the Share Owner owns 1/40th of the herd.
Boarding Agreement Share Owner agrees to pay a 6-month boarding fee of $25 per share. This covers the cost of feed, fencing, pasture maintenance, veterinary care, husbandry, milking, milk handling, and any other expenses incurred in the maintenance of the RBR sheep flock.
Share Owner is entitled to their full share or half share of the milk produced by the RBR flock. A full share is roughly equal to a half gallon of milk per week but may rarely be less due to unforeseen events. A half share is roughly equal to a quart of milk per week but may rarely be less due to unforeseen events. Additional quantities of milk can be purchased on a first-come, first-served basis and only as available.
Share Owner is responsible for picking up their own milk from the established weekly or bi-weekly pick-up locations. Any shares that are not picked up within the times allowed, will be disposed of. In boarding the flock, RBR agrees to manage the flock for optimal health, safety, and production of the sheep, with quality of milk and sustainability of the flock being the primary goals.
The diet of the sheep will be New Country Organics brand sheep grain given only at milking and access to fresh pasture given 24/7 throughout the summer and grass hay when adequate fresh forage is not available. RBR reserves the right to make dietary and medical decisions for the entire herd. Should any ewes need medication, they will be milked separate from the rest of the flock and their milk will be withheld and disposed of according to medication directions.
Red Belle Ridge, LLC owns the rams for breeding as well as the lambs. When a ewe lamb grows up, RBR can add her to the flock and thus increase the total shares or can replace an existing or deceased ewe to maintain the previous number of shares.
Red Belle Ridge, LLC reserves the right to change the boarding fee but must give a 90 day notice before increasing cost.
Red Belle Ridge, LLC will reassume ownership of shares that are 2 months delinquent on boarding fees.
If a herd owner would like to discontinue their ownership share(s) before the 6 month term is complete, they may do so with 7 days notice to RBR. If glass containers used for milk storage are not returned within 7 days of cancellation, the cost of those containers will be charged to the payment method on file.